LR Question Of the Day

LR Question of the day

RVP is a very popular multiplex in the Garden City of Bangalore. It has five screens – Screen N, Screen C, Screen W, Screen, Screen B, Screen E. Five different movies – TKR, SP, TGST, PC and EQ- were screened over five consecutive days on these screens. Each movie was shown on a different screen every day. Similarly, each screen showed a different movie every day. The following points are known

  • In all screens except C, SP was screened before EQ
  • TKR as third movie to be screened on screen B and it was screened after PC
  • PC was screened on other two screens prior to W and was screened on N immediately after it was screened on W

Q1) Which movie was screened on the first day at screen C?

  1. TGST
  2. EQ
  3. PC
  4. Can’t be determined    

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Let’s capture the information already given in the set in a table with Screens on columns and Movies in rows. We will fill each unique row-column with sequence number based on information provided in the set.


Movies  N C W B E Remarks
SP 5 1/2/4
PC 4 3 1/2
EQ 1 2/4/5


  • In all screens except C, SP was screened before EQ

It means, the sequence will be SP…EQ except for screen C.

Since, SP must be screened on number 5 and EQ must be displayed on number 1 on one of the screens. Let’s take SP as an example.

If SP is screened on screen N/W/B/E at 5th then EQ should be on 6th which is not possible.

Similarly, if EQ is screened on N/W/B/E at 1st then there is no possible place of SP

Hence, we can conclude that it is Screen C only where we can adjust these two.


  • TKR as third movie to be screened on screen B and it was screened after PC

Mark TKR as 3rd on screen B and give possible sequences to SP, PC, EQ


  • PC was screened on other two screens prior to W and was screened on N immediately after it was screened on W

PC is on 3rd at Screen W and 4th at Screen N


Now, consider PC out of 1,5,4,3 the only sequence left at that position is 2. Then complete the table with rest of the values taking references from row TKR.

Movies  N C W B E Remarks
TKR 4 3
SP 5 2/4
PC 4 2 3 1 5
EQ 1 4/5

Let’s try to assign position 4 to SP other than B. We can’t give it to N, C and E (because 5 is given to PC and by rule EQ should get 5)


Case 1

Movies  N C W B E Remarks
TKR 4 3
SP 5 4 2 4 can’t be given to N and E
PC 4 2 3 1 5
EQ 1 5 4/5 If SP is given 4 in WàEQ at 5


Movies  N C W B E Remarks
TKR 4 3
SP 5 4 2 4 can’t be given to N and E
TGST 3 3 This is wrong
PC 4 2 3 1 5
EQ 1 5 4 If SP is given 4 in WàEQ at 5


Hence, our assumption was wrong.

Case 2

Start with assigning 4th position to SP in B and 5th to EQ in B
Then TGST automatically get 2 in B

Look for places where you can assign 3 to SP so that EQ will get 4 and solve rest of the places by checking rows and columns. The final table will look like this

Movies  N C W B E Remarks
TKR 1 4 5 3 2
SP 2 5 1 4 3 Give 4 to B and 5 to EQ on B
TGST 5 3 4 2 1 TGST automatically gets 2 on B
PC 4 2 3 1 5
EQ 3 1 2 5 4 If SP is given 3 EQ will only get 4 in this case which is possible only at E


Hence answer is ‘2’  (EQ was screened) [/bg_collapse]

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